Posted on June 29, 2021 View all news
Promoters of marijuana claim pot is not addictive. We beg to differ! What follows are videos and links with evidence proving that claim is simply untrue. Cannabis with THC, in every form, is a dangerous, mind-altering substance that often creates a need for more and higher dosages. Daily use is a significant risk for addiction. And, for those who brag about “waking and baking,” we know that they exhibit signs of extreme dependency.
Today’s turbo-charged pot is much more addictive and addiction comes on much faster than it did in the ’70s when the THC content was just a fraction of what it is today.
Please read through the following thought-provoking facts. Each Think Ya Know? email will contain a brand-new video, that we hope you will embed on your website, e-newsletters or share in social media. Also, please click on the below links to hear from experts and parents.
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Let’s Define ‘Addiction’
“When a person takes drugs or drinks alcohol over a period of time, it can change their brain circuits. In fact, addiction changes the way that crucial parts of the brain function so much that the person has a very hard time stopping their use of drugs or alcohol—even when they want to. ”
–From Addiction is a Disease on the National Institute of Drug Addiction website.
How Do We Know Marijuana is Addictive?
Marijuana is addictive – just like opioids are. Not everyone who uses painkillers after surgery becomes addicted. However, we have a national crisis. This article confirms that addiction to marijuana is widely known in the medical and recovery community.
“The most common myth is that marijuana is not addictive. This has clearly been debunked by science; marijuana is addictive, particularly for young people. Marijuana addiction resembles other drug addictions: it is characterized by loss of control over consumption, loss of interest in activities not involving cannabis, recurrent use resulting in failure to fulfill major obligations, continued use despite negative consequences, and even its own cannabis withdrawal syndrome.” See article in Psychiatric Times.
From her twenty-six years as an addiction psychiatrist, Dr. Libby Stuyt knows that marijuana can be addictive, and “…the more people you can addict, the more money you can make…”
Testimonies about Struggles with Addiction
Sally Schindel of Arizonans for Responsible Drug Policy made a short video testimony about her son, a military veteran, and his losing battle with addiction.
A Father’s Love Empowers Him to Speak Out
A marijuana user in Illinois user tells Poppot how the drug ruined his life:
“I’ve been broke my whole adult life because of marijuana. I married the wrong woman and had a horrible 12-year relationship because of marijuana. I settled for a less than part-time, back- breaking job because of pot. I can’t have a real relationship because of pot.” — Eric’s Story: All for Nothing Because of Pot.
Take Action
Our new Think Ya Know? campaign offers articles and sound bites to help enlighten parents and politicians on the risks and harms of marijuana. We challenge you to forward this to 10 people you think might benefit. These can be friends, family, even local/state/federal representatives, school board members, teachers, and students.
We recommend you read this expert commentary by Dr. Robert L. DuPont on the critical importance of preventing youth drug use, and the vital role parents can play.
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Other Resources for Parents
One of our favorite books is by medical doctor, Dr. Ed Gogek, who spent many years working with addicts on their recovery. He wrote one of the most comprehensive books available on the subject, Marijuana Debunked–Handbook for Parents, Pundits and Politicians.
See U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory: Marijuana Use and the Developing Brain
You can build community with others who have been harmed by marijuana, and empower youth to not be pressured to use it.
Originally published at PopPot: