Every Brain Matters Team

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Aubree Adams

Every Brain Matters Director

Aubree Adams is a prominent advocate against the predatory, addiction-for-profit marijuana industry. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science and Health Promotion. She is a licensed physical therapist assistant, but she takes the most pride in her roles as a mother of two sons and two dogs and a former host mom for youth in recovery.

Living in Pueblo, Colorado, Aubree witnessed the expansion of the marijuana industry firsthand, which led her to be the founder and director of Every Brain Matters, a trusted educational resource created by families who have experienced severe harm or loss due to the effects of marijuana. The stories of these families are featured on the EBM memorial page and stories, the Every Brain Matters YouTube channel, and the podcast titled “It’s Just Pot: What’s the Problem?”

Aubree has appeared on Dr. Phil Primetime, Fox News, and NewsMax, and her opinion pieces have been published in USA Today and the Denver Gazette under the title “Standing Up to the Threat of Marijuana.” She has shared her personal experience with this public health crisis before the FDA, the National Academy of Sciences, and in the documentary Chronic State. Additionally, she has testified in numerous state legislatures, urging them to prioritize healthy communities and families over the expansion of drug use.

After finding refuge and recovery for herself and her two sons in Houston, Texas, Aubree established a group called Citizens for a Safe and Healthy Texas. This organization aims to unite and educate communities about the impacts of marijuana and to warn Texas residents about the dangers of THC hemp products legalized under the 2018 Federal Farm Bill.

Aubree emphasizes that we are unprepared for this era of industrialized marijuana, which targets youth with flavored candies and vapes that deliver a rapid and potent chemical assault on the brain. Families often lack the resources to prevent, manage, or recover from a child or young adult who becomes addicted or experiences psychosis due to cannabis.

She rejects the false narrative that potent marijuana is merely a harmless expression of personal freedom. Citing the latest scientific evidence and personal stories, Aubree asserts that THC is a dangerous and addictive substance that, like all drugs of abuse, can destroy lives. She hopes the Every Brain Matters logo will be recognized as a symbol of life free from marijuana and the expanding drug crisis.