Posted on August 16, 2022 View all news
By Joe Tilton
Without comment from the public during the hearing about marihuana business in Lakeview, the Council voted for an ordinance barring any type of “pot” business within Village limits.
The vote came Monday evening to prohibit marihuana establishments. A statewide trend is developing, particularly in rural counties, to keep the business of marihuana out.
The Detroit News reported a week after the vote to legalize recreational marijuana that communities were already opting out. They reported, “Opponents of adult use marijuana say the number of communities deciding not to participate will be high, especially if Colorado is any indication. There, 75-percent of communities opted out of the commercial industry.” Local opponents point to the negative issues faced in the Rocky Mountain State in spite of community rejection to the business.
Carson City took up the same issue in their Tuesday evening Council.
Another public hearing regarded rezoning of several parcels. Two citizens spoke against rezoning; saying additional traffic would be dangerous to children and residents. Planning and zoning had previously recommended approval, and the full Council followed their decision. The parcels are rezoned.
Steve Case was elected President Pro-Temp and former Village President, Ed Winter was appointed to the Planning Commission.
Village Manager, Warren Rothe, asked for a public hearing on February 11th during the regular Council meeting so citizens could voice their opinions or concern about the Village budget for Fiscal Year through February 29th, 2020. The hearing was approved.
Trustee Dominic Trevino asked about two houses in the Village and whether they could be demolished. Both structures have fire damage. Police Chief Dood had a recommendation for timing and process to solve the problems.
Also during the February Council meeting, a public hearing will be held to discuss changes in the Cemetery Ordinance. Fee schedules will be discussed, which has not changed since 2004. Rothe said fee schedules for military veterans will remain the same.
Rothe also advised the Council that utility costs are running high this year. Public Works Director Brian Bucholtz said cost of salt for roads is also above average.
All Council members were present, including President Dave Lund, President Pro-Temp Seve Case, Trustees Kathy Lobert, Chris Fryover, Dominic Trevino, Bob Huttinga and Greg Saxton. The meeting took less than 40-minutes.