Posted on November 16, 2022 View all news
By Joe Tilton
People suffering from delusion have begun to equate the smell of money with marijuana. Where money is, delusion seems to multiply. The problem then is the self-delusion drug, marijuana, or cannabis (same thing). Delusion is a serious mental illness. Delusions are unshakable beliefs in something not real or based on reality, but mistaken perceptions or experiences. In some cases, people with delusional disorder might become so preoccupied with their delusions that their lives are disrupted. Sound like a cannabis user? Self-delusion drug identification source is Dr. Bertha Madras, Chair, Psychobiology Department, Harvard University. Apparently, delusion has come to major organizations, even universities.
Several readers of these articles on cannabis/marijuana have brought the September 2019 edition of “AARP Bulletin” to our attention. As many large organizations, AARP appears to be afraid of taking definitive stand for or against weed. However, “the AARP Board of Directors approved a policy supporting the medical use of marijuana for older adults in states that have legalized it.” The quirk in their policy is, “decisions should be made between a patient and a health-care provider.” The problem; licensed health-care providers are not recommending it, and it will be a rare thing to find one, unless the doctor is addicted or using. The same “Bulletin” suggests “science is coming that may help move the VA away from its anti-cannabis policies and stances,” but we know that claim is untrue, as evidenced by in-person discussions in Washington, D.C. and the VA Clinic in Grand Rapids.
For seniors with medical or mental issues, the AARP reports seem to follow anecdotes while ignoring the lack of science, such as research by Dr. Madres at Harvard. Too, no support from AARP was shown for Epidiolex, the pharmaceutical and FDA approved medication from the cannabis plant, which is available through the established medical system. Perhaps you’ve noticed there are no TV commercials for Epidiolex. Consider how such a commercial for medical marijuana or cannabis might go.
Script: “Some people say the only drug you smoke, marijuana, is good for you, and there are plenty of stories from people recommending it who are delusional. It’s not available through your doctor or pharmacy, but you can smoke it, or find it in gummy-bear form. Side effects include: addiction, depression, psychosis, schizophrenia, hallucinations, psychotic breaks, violence, anxiety, memory loss, perception, motor skills and mental degeneration. Do not use if pregnant since this drug causes lower birth weight, birth defects such as small-heads and cancers, problem solving, attention and learning difficulties plus genetic changes in offspring. Permanent brain changes occur. Must not be used by anybody younger than 25. Doctors who recommend it want your money for a license so the state can also take your money for social services you’re going to need.” [Source,] You won’t see a commercial with a script like that, still science proves listed side effects are real.
AARP admitted in their publication some “bad news” that “Over time, ongoing depression worsened somewhat and regular use may change cannabinoids receptors in the brain, boosting vulnerability to dark moods.” And then on page 20, their “bottom line” is, “mixed results.”
Discussions among local governments are about money they will receive from taxes or delusions of control. They too smell the green, relying on pressure from pot merchants using the term “medical” for delusional reasons and allowing changes in citizen’s brains. Traffic deaths increase in states where it’s legal is ignored, as well as angry meetings with delusional citizens. Even AARP writes, “Marijuana interferes with vital vehicle-handling skills, including reaction time, mental focus and ability to stay in your lane, even your sense of time and distance. Cannabis boosts the risk of accidents as much as fourteen fold, and doubles the odds for a fatal collision.” Their article avoided information on how long THC stays in the brain and body and fact that THC stores in the body’s fat cells.
What’s the benefit in having a delusional nation, employee, parent or family member? Is marijuana/cannabis worth it—at any price?
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