Posted on November 16, 2022 View all news
By Joe Tilton
“The marijuana industry is quickly moving to profit off the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic,” Dr. Kevin Sabet said. The co-founder of Smart Approaches to Marijuana continues, “Last summer the marijuana industry found itself at the center of a public health crisis as thousands fell seriously ill and 60 died as a result of marijuana vaping.” So, the industry unleashed an army of lobbyist on state capitols, demanding governors designate pot shops as “essential” and suing those, such as Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, who refused to bend to their demands.
Their push to keep dispensaries open and pot sales going, resulted in record profits reported, but that’s not enough. Lobbyists, targeting the federal gtovernment are demanding they be included in the next round of federal aid. Dr. Sabet said, “To be frank, demanding a federal bailout while you strong arm governors and subsequently brag about your massive increases in sales is disgusting.” He continued with, “Millions of Americans are staring down unemployment, lost wages and uncertainty about their future. And a whole host of healthcare workers are daily fighting the fight against this virus. If anyone is deserving of federal aid, it’s those who most need it—not an industry openly bragging about profits.”
Marijuana sales have increased in some parts of the nation during the pandemic, while methamphetamine appears to be seeing increased sales as well. From trends in Montcalm County courts, meth is seeing a surge against marijuana, particularly among heavy users who are not getting the same high from pot as in the past. Fentanyl importation from China has slowed as transportation, even across Canadian and Mexican borders, has been interrupted by efforts to slow the Covid-19 virus. After three massive shipments of fentanyl from China left their shores, only two pounds reached California through a newly-discovered tunnel connecting Tijuana with South San Diego.
News from Colorado is supporting caution by doctors on how smoking and vaping THC (marijuana) and tobacco, is making youth more susceptible to the Covid-19 virus, since lungs are injured, which allows a more rapid infection.
Additionally, a five-million-dollar lawsuit filed by a CBD buyer in California against a Colorado company called “Charlotte’s Web” is going forward. The suit claims CBD is not approved for anything, including claims of it being a “dietary supplement.” Strangely enough, Charlotte has died. If this suit is successful, CBD could ultimately be taken off the market. The plaintiff purchased a bottle of the “Olive Oil” flavor. We have accurately reported in the past how FDA tests resulted in half of the samples obtained from across the nation were actually olive oil with no CBD content. The international market for olive oil has been substantially strengthened by so-called makers of CBD oil, faking their product with the much cheaper olive-oil product purchased by the barrel. Conservative media has been particularly targeted with a “benefits” message to soften opposition.
With claims by some CBD oil promoters that it cures Covid-19, it appears Dr. Sebet is correct how the cannabis industry is “not going to let this crisis go to waste.”
The call has gone out for contact with Congressional members, urging them to see through big marijuana’s charade. “Tell Congress; No Pot Money Bailout.”