People Need Meaning

Posted on October 15, 2024 View all news

Feb. 2, 2024

I see it everywhere. People walking around like zombies or robots. Just going to school or going to their job. It’s like they’re on autopilot. They walk around so conditioned by society, just doing what they were told to do. They have no depth or purpose or meaning in their lives.

It’s easy to die or commit suicide when you have no meaning. I was in high school, addicted to drugs, and struggling a lot with my will to live. I had a pretty easy life growing up. My parents were well off financially, and everything was provided for me in abundance. There was no struggle or challenge growing up. I just had to go through school, get good grades, and graduate. Then go to college, get good grades, graduate, and work a job for the rest of my life. That was the plan laid out for me for my life.

I never was satisfied with it. I thought it was too superficial and lacked some depth and meaning behind it. Why would I want to do what everybody else is doing? Aren’t I supposed to be unique? Each person is unique in their own way and has their own gifts. But society has a construct where you go to school and work a job that’s probably unfulfilling for the rest of your life.

After listening to one of Victor Frankl’s interviews, I started to think. What is my meaning? Well, I definitely want to make the world a better place. How to go about that, I don’t know. But I believe inspiring others is one way to do that. I’m a writer, so I like to write. That’s one step to inspiring others through my words on a page.


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