Powerless and Smoking Weed

Posted on October 15, 2024 View all news

I was powerless and smoking weed. I saw no issue with my life. I saw no problems with the way I was going about life. Just smoke weed and everything else will get figured out.

I was reliant on my parents. So it was pretty easy to just smoke weed and expect things to come my way: money, food, and shelter. And everything was going well. I just had to take and take. And things would come my way.

But I ended up in the gutter, always asking for more and more and never having enough until I hit bottom.

I would live a double life. Act hard and tough to the outside world. But when I was alone at night in my room. I would contemplate life. Thinking everything over, crying, and being depressed. I saw no way out. I would think about how depressed I was. I desperately wanted a way out. I saw no way out, though.

But something happened. God took my life and threw me into a new way of life. Out of my normal life and into the recovery world, rehab, and institutions. Not that those places cured me. But, I got thrown out of my routine and old way of life. The grace of God was able to hit me and I felt a presence like I never felt before.

I came into AA. The people in AA told my story. They spoke of the low points and misery of their addictions. But they were happy about it now. They were laughing their asses off about the treachery of the life they used to live. They were living their best life now. But when they talked, they told my story. So I did what they did because I wanted what they had, which was happiness.

Slowly, as I worked the steps and the program of AA, I became better and better. And life got better and better. It’s not perfect today. But I can say, this is the way out I was looking for. It’s not what I expected. But it’s better than I could have asked for.


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