
“Yes, Marijuana Does Kill- In More Ways Than You Might Think”

Jere Melo was born in Mount Shasta, CA in 1941.  He graduated from the University of California in Forestry and...


Marijuana Use. I Almost Died From It, And I Wasn’t Even The One Using It!

I was born and raised in Colorado. Cannabis was never like this before now. The culture is focused on marijuana....


Every Child Counts!

Happy Mother’s Day 2022! Motherhood blessings to every mother out there. My motherhood journey forever changed on 7-28-2018, when I...


Randy Got His Medical Marijuana Card in Colorado Even Though He Was Under 21. We Want To Spare Others From Losing Someone They Love To This Horrible Drug. 

As a huge proponent of marijuana, Randy got his medical marijuana card in Colorado which allowed him to access weed…


Almost All Opioid Users Started With Marijuana

My name is Juli Shamash, and my son Tyler suffered from addiction and ultimately died at age 19 from ingesting...


Our Son has Cannabis Use Disorder and Cannabis Induced Psychosis – This is happening all across the country to A LOT of kids

My son, K, who is 20, has had two very serious cannabis-induced psychotic breaks in the last year and a...


Marijuana opened the door to my brother’s death

To paraphrase from A Christmas Carol, this must be understood or no good can come from the story I’m about...


“It’s Just Marijuana.”. I was that mom. It’s not hard drugs or alcohol.

I wish I could go back and change my mindset. My son, Brian Fuller, committed suicide by a self-inflicted gunshot...


I lost my son to a drugged driver. Don’t get behind the wheel after marijuana use

Opinion: DUI task forces focus on drunken drivers. But drugged drivers also are a risk on the roads. More must...


No Weed-Free Zones So Kids Can Recover From Cannabis Induced Psychosis

My daughter had cannabis-induced psychosis and I feel so guilty for telling her to take antipsychotics, even for just 5 weeks...


Matt Klosowski

That was my son, Matt. He had that happy-go-lucky personality that drew people in and made them fall in love.…


Marijuana Ruined My Life

Our son Kevin was 15 when he started abusing marijuana.  He was very good at hiding his use until he...
