Every Brain Matters is a unifying alliance of professionals, organizations, and individual that educate about the danger of marijuana and the drug culture expansion.
Every Brain Matters Support Group is an online group for people harmed by marijuana and seeking healing/recovery. This includes people harmed by using marijuana themselves and are in recovery and the families/friends of people who’ve been harmed or lost their lives as a direct or indirect result of marijuana use. This can include addiction, psychosis, suicide, homicide, DUI’s, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, and other incidents of injury or trauma resulting in harms or death, overdoses, and where marijuana was a gateway, companion, and/or relapse drug.
The Every Brain Matters Advocacy group has been created for those who want to advocate against full-scale legalization of marijuana, and for strict regulation and preventative measures in areas where this drug is already legal. The goal of this group is to work together as a team to make action-based short and long term goals regarding marijuana policies, education, public and political awareness, regulatory practices, and other actions that will help curtail the widespread acceptance, commercialization, and normalization of marijuana.
Every Brain Matters celebrates recovery and honor those who are willing to share their experience, strength and hope.
We remember and honor those who were harmed by the effects of marijuana.
-Support/Recovery meetings
-Advocacy meetings,
-Mar-Anon meetings
-Important Events
Every Brain Matters
Copyright © 2025