Every Brain Matters Drives a Cultural Change

Car Magnet Campaign

Join the cultural change promoting brain and environmental health!

Get your easy to apply and remove 6″ EBM Car Magnet to be part of the cultural change to denormalize drug use and decrease the harms of drugs (overdoses, violence, addiction, mental illness, and environmental damage).

Together, let’s change the narrative and decrease the demand for drugs that are harming so many people. 

Join us by donating $25.00 and we will mail you this car magnet to display on your vehicle. The Every Brain Matters logo unites us and symbolizes both ā€œfreedom from marijuana and the drug culture expansionā€ and promotes brain and environmental health.

The Every Brain Car Magnet Logo pushes back on the drug expansion movement in a positive way and promotes the health and safety of our people, our children, and our communities.

The Every Brain Matters (EBM) Community is a grassroots movement of support, advocacy, and science that has formed in response to the drug cultural expansion.

Order Car Magnet

  • Each Magnet is a $25 donation

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