Every Brain Matters is a community of support and advocacy based on science and live experiences. Join us as we find freedom from marijuana and the drug culture expansion. 



Mar-Anon Family Group is a fellowship of those affected by another person’s marijuana use and is independent of Every Brain Matters.  To view, Mar-Anon meetings, go to: mar-anon.com/meetings/


Wayfinders – A Empowering Workshop For Friends and Families Who Love someone Living with Addiction

Join us for an empowering workshop designed for friends and family who love someone living with addiction.

Gain valuable insights into the disease of addiction and equip yourself with practical skills for support and self-care. This workshop will delve into topics such as empathy, setting healthy boundaries, and fostering effective communication. Discover the power of emotional regulation and mindfulness, and explore how these practices can be integrated into daily life. Walk away with a deeper understanding, newfound knowledge, and tangible skills to navigate the challenges of loving someone with addiction.


Rachel Evans is a licensed clinical social worker and family therapist at the Center for Recovering Families at The Council on Recovery. Rachel supports people with substance use disorders and their families as they walk the road of recovery together. Varieties of services are used on this journey, including family sessions, groups, and workshops. Connection and security are two of her top values, and Rachel aims to bring that to her work. Rachel graduated with her Masters in Social Work from the University of Houston and continues to call Houston home.


Event Series Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers

Event Series Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers

Every Brain Matters Monthly Speakers Meeting -Raquel Watkins-Jones-Rockstar Parenting

Online Zoom Meeting

In this new era of industrialized THC, families need support and hope.

Raquel Watkins-Jones is a dedicated professional coach specializing in family dynamics, parental support, adolescent development, and addiction recovery. She founded Rockstar Parenting™, Rockstar Teens™, and the “Lovin’ The Skin You’re In” Youth Empowerment Workshop™.

Raquel is devoted to equipping parents with the essential tools and strategies needed to serve as effective role models. She aims to cultivate a family legacy that will be honored by future generations. She is also passionate about aiding teens in their self-discovery and personal development, enhancing their self-esteem and self-worth. Raquel draws inspiration from her three remarkably resilient daughters and her beloved role as ‘Mama Roc’ to five grandchildren.

For additional information, please visit: www.rockstarparenting.com

Please join us on the second Wednesday of every month for messages of healing from the impacts of marijuana and the expanding drug crisis.  There will be a Q&A at the end of each meeting. This meeting may be recorded at the presenter’s discretion.

Register for this meeting at this link. Once registered, you will be sent a Zoom link to join the meeting that you can save to your calendar. You will not be required to register again if you have already registered for a previous Speakers Meeting. If you have any questions, please email us at info@everybrainmatters.org.

This meeting is free, but donations are welcome to increase our effort to support and advocate for families impacted by industrialized marijuana. 

Link To Register

Meeting ID: 872 9417 0134
Passcode: ebmsupport

Event Series Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers

Event Series Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers

Event Series Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers

Event Series Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers

Young Adults’ Cannabis Recovery Support Meeting

This support meeting is for individuals, ages 18 – 35, who have struggled with a cannabis use disorder (CUD), cannabis-induced psychosis (CIP), or cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS). This is a closed meeting for people who have struggled with these conditions. Attendees must be sober. We welcome newly sober newcomers seeking practical steps to stay sober and pursue a healthier life. We will not glorify the past; we will only look to learn from it. Our primary goal is to maintain sobriety, heal from the negative, long-lasting effects of using cannabis products, and help others achieve sobriety. These meetings will focus on abstinence. We do not support and will not discuss any form of marijuana maintenance plan.

The primary formula that we follow in our discussions is P.S.A. = Problem. Solution. Action.

This meeting will be held online on the 2nd Wednesday of the month starting August 14, 2024, from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm Central Time. For more information, contact Doug Dolan at dougdolan@recoveryinthepines.com

Doug Dolan will be the moderator for these sessions. He is in recovery, sobriety date is April 19, 1997. Doug works extensively in substance abuse, mental health, and personal life transformation. He sits on multiple committees focused on these issues, as well as those focused on reducing overdose fatalities, suicide prevention, helping families in crisis, and various aspects of brain health.


Event Series Every Brain Matters Monthly Speakers Meeting

Every Brain Matters Speakers Meeting- Kobi Russell – recovery cannabis psychosis

Online Zoom Meeting

In this new era of industrialized THC, families need support and hope. Please join us on the second Wednesday of every month for messages of healing from the impacts of marijuana and the expanding drug crisis.  There will be a Q&A at the end of each meeting. This meeting may be recorded at the presenter’s discretion.

Kobi Russell is a recent graduate of Brandeis University who currently works in the fields of conflict resolution and accessibility. In late 2018, due to a “perfect storm” of triggers, including stress, lack of sleep, medication, and, most importantly, daily high-potency cannabis usage, Kobi had a severe and prolonged episode of cannabis-induced psychosis, CIP. During his recovery, a relative told him, “Kobi, you’ve gone to a place [mentally] that most people will never go.”

As he began speaking publicly about his experience with psychosis, sobriety, and recovery (both online and with his community), Kobi quickly reached the painful realization that he was far from alone. Kobi hopes that this talk and, ideally, future collaborations with Every Brain Matters will show that young people who experience CIP are not alone, that there are others who understand their experience on a deeply personal level, and that recovery is a journey––and it is absolutely possible!

Kobi is 25 years old and lives with his family in Somerville, MA. He enjoys getting active in nice weather and hiding inside when it snows!

Register for this meeting at this link. Once registered, you will be sent a Zoom link to join the meeting that you can save to your calendar. You will not be required to register again if you have already registered for a previous Speakers Meeting. If you have any questions, please email us at info@everybrainmatters.org.

This meeting is free, but donations are welcome to increase our effort to support and advocate for families impacted by industrialized marijuana. 

Link To Register

Meeting ID: 872 9417 0134
Passcode: ebmsupport

Event Series Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers

Event Series Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers