Welcome to Mar-Anon Many times we have heard: “It’s just pot – what’s the problem?” Confusion and self-doubt ensue. We spin between the belief that marijuana is harmless and our own conviction that something is wrong in our relationship with a habitual user. We can feel isolated. We can even feel like we are going crazy. We in Mar-Anon understand. Although many think it less serious than other drugs or alcohol, marijuana is a mind and mood-altering drug that can be addictive for some people. For those who seek recovery from marijuana abuse, there is a 12-Step program – Marijuana Anonymous. For friends and families whose lives are affected by a loved one’s marijuana use, there is Mar-Anon. Mar-Anon Logo-small Like any addictive behavior, habitual marijuana use has an impact that extends beyond the user. In Mar-Anon, we seek to recover from the effects of this family disease by learning about addiction and co-dependency; taking responsibility for our own lives; and by sharing experience, strength and hope with one another. The only requirement for membership in Mar-Anon is that a person be affected by anotherās marijuana use. Dealing with someoneās addiction can be a painful struggle but it also creates opportunity. While we have found that we cannot change others, we can transform ourselves and create more serenity, clarity, and happiness in our lives.
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Meeting ID: 871 8488 9894