My name is Linda Wolfe. My son had three episodes of cannabis-induced psychosis (CIP) within two years, beginning in his first semester of college. K was doing fine, playing sports, and was in the sheriff’s cadets program. We all enjoyed traveling and spending time together, and then these THC-induced psychosis episodes hit our family like a thunderbolt. My husband and I had to involuntarily commit him to the hospital three times, including a CA hospital. K had met a man while he was IN ACTIVE PSYCHOSIS who had been in prison, a thief. He convinced K to drive to CA, where he ended up stealing his car with everything he owned in it and leaving him on the side of the road while actively experiencing cannabis-induced psychosis. We, as a family, went through absolute HELL. This was NOT the son we knew. We learned high-THC weed is very addicting and caused this to happen. We worked through it together as a family, and now our son is recovering well. He has been clean from weed for the last year. He is working and planning to return to school in the fall. Recovering from THC takes a long time, but it is possible. He does not have schizophrenia or other mental health conditions. His psychosis was induced by weed and weed alone. I will share my experience, strength, and hope with the Every Brain Matters community because I want to help other families. Please join me on May 5, 2023.
Join us on the first Friday of every month for messages of hope and healing from the impacts of marijuana. Every month, we welcome a different speaker to share their experience and provide pathways to serenity as we navigate through today’s pro-marijuana/drug culture. Whether you’re grieving the loss of a loved one or trying to recover yourself, this meeting is for you. You will be a Q & A at the end of each meeting. This meeting is appropriate for all family members ages 16 and up.
Link To Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 9417 0134
Passcode: ebmsupport
Every Brain Matters Recovery Community is built on a foundation of love, willingness, and HONESTY. We seek to create a culture of healing.
The expansion of marijuana is negatively affecting people in many ways: addiction, psychosis, suicide, homicide, DUI’s, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, and other incidents of injury or trauma resulting in harm or death, overdoses, and where marijuana was a gateway, companion, and/or relapse drug.
This meeting may be recorded with the presenters’ and the participants’ permission.