Every Brain Matters is a community of support and advocacy based on science and live experiences. Join us as we find freedom from marijuana and the drug culture expansion. 



Mar-Anon Family Group is a fellowship of those affected by another person’s marijuana use and is independent of Every Brain Matters.  To view, Mar-Anon meetings, go to: mar-anon.com/meetings/


Every Brain Matters Monthly Speakers Meeting -Sarah Emes

Sarah Emes was born and educated in England; this included learning a respect for Christianity from an early age through musical service in the church. According to societal expectations at the time, she graduated from university, started working at an internationally known financial institution in the City of London and was married by the time she was 26. She met her first husband during a year of business studies taken to ensure long-term employability as music, her first love, was not a reliable career option.

With a strong desire to see the world, Sarah accompanied her American husband on several overseas assignments in the oil business, ending up in Houston, Texas where they both found good jobs.

Sarah has spent the last 28 years working for a global chemical company headquartered in Belgium, in positions of increasing responsibility related to Information Services, Corporate Communications and Data Compliance all while based in Houston and traveling for business frequently. She retired in January 2022.

Her career and many friends made through music and faith-based networks have supported her through the birth of her only son, a difficult divorce, single-parenthood, her son’s cancer treatment and the challenges of co-parenting with an ex-spouse with untreated childhood and Vietnam-era PTSD and substance use disorder.

Finally, through her son’s addiction disease, she learned the hope that comes from working the 12-steps and grew significantly as a result of being in a parent-driven recovery program with him over a period of nearly 4 years. After his death in 2017, Sarah has continued to work a 12-step program for her codependency and shares her story in the hope that it will help people whose loved ones are using mind-altering substances wake up quicker. By focusing on self-improvement, she found new and effective ways of approaching what was going on for her son and saw how he responded positively to those efforts.

Today, she is happily married to a research scientist who also supported Sarah’s son in his recovery journey by working the 12-steps and following the latest data relating to the efficacy of 12-step programs, the relationship between trauma and substance use disorder, and the science of addiction.

Join us on the first Friday of every month for messages of hope and healing from the impacts of marijuana. We welcome a different speaker every month who will share their experience and provide pathways to find serenity as we navigate through today’s pro-marijuana/drug culture. Whether you’re grieving the loss of a loved one or trying to recover yourself, this meeting is for you. You will be a Q & A at the end of each meeting. This meeting is appropriate for all family members ages 16 and up.

Link To Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 9417 0134
Passcode: ebmsupport

Every Brain Matters Recovery Community is built on a foundation of love, willingness, and HONESTY. We seek to create a culture of healing.

The expansion of marijuana is negatively affecting people in many ways:  addiction, psychosis, suicide, homicide, DUI’s, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, and d other incidents of injury or trauma resulting in harm or death, overdoses, and where marijuana was a gateway, companion, and/or relapse drug.

This meeting may be recorded with the presenters’ and the participants’ permission.