A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn...
This support meeting is for individuals, ages 18 – 35, who have struggled with a cannabis use disorder (CUD), cannabis-induced...
This support meeting is for individuals, ages 18 – 35, who have struggled with a cannabis use disorder (CUD), cannabis-induced...
This support meeting is for individuals, ages 18 – 35, who have struggled with a cannabis use disorder (CUD), cannabis-induced...
In this new era of industrialized THC, families need support and hope. Please join us on the second Wednesday of...
This support meeting is for individuals, ages 18 – 35, who have struggled with a cannabis use disorder (CUD), cannabis-induced...
A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn...
In this presentation, Aubree Adams and Amber Moore will educate about cannabis-induced psychosis and provide personal stories, family resources, and...
My son was a full-time college student, doing well in school, living with two friends he had known from middle...
I was introduced to weed when I was in high school. It was a cool thing to do. I tried...
My family is currently in the process of helping our 17-year-old son, who is currently in a mental facility from...
My son started smoking weed during his junior year of high school. He graduated with Honors and received a full...