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By Joe Tilton
Nov. 7, 2019
The “what does it hurt?” question was posed before last November’s election to get voters to okay fun use of cannabis (marijuana). At the time, the question had an ambiguous answer at best, and Michigan voters were not watching results in California, Oregon, Washington and most of all, Colorado. If results in those states had been watched, we may not be facing the catastrophe on our horizon.
We previously reported on mafia moving into Michigan to control cannabis trade via the black market. Local growers are fooled into thinking they will make big bucks from the crops they grow. Reality is: China has set aside an entire state (province) to grow cannabis (marijuana) to supply the U.S. black market. Chinese are not using it; it’s illegal there. They must keep their work force sober.
California growers were caught growing 10- million plants, worth $1- billion, for the black market, including Michigan. However, the California growers counted on investigator’s ignorance between hemp and cannabis. It was marijuana, so authorities seized and destroyed the crop. The 459-acre site is 100 miles north of Los Angeles. That’s where they attempted to grow the crop under the appearance of a legitimate hemp operation. If you saw the 60-minutes story about pot in California, you know they are storing excess production. …think these 10-million illicit plants were being grown for California residents? Can local growers compete with mafia-controlled grows like that?
Then, there’s the story of 18-wheeler-loads of marijuana being shipped from California to Washington, D.C. and points between. If California pot isn’t available, count on shipments from China. You can rightly call it an “invasion.” Colorado’s Attorney General has received complaints resulting from a Pueblo investigation concluded a couple weeks ago where bribery of public officials has been uncovered, along with election interference, organized crime activity involving a California drug kingpin, threats to government employees and “bags of cash” to a former county Commissioner, Sal Pace, which had money separated into envelopes with names, including Sean Tapia, another official. State Legislators had been paid to pass legislation favorable to the cannabis industry. Now that this information is out, Attorneys General in California and Hawaii are likely to file charges. Now the FBI is involved. Michigan has already organized a mafia taskforce to combat organized-crime involvement and “recreational” sales are just beginning. Is this “regulating pot like alcohol…!?
Here’s another surprise; there’s a “surging global demand for olive oil,” as their industry reps report. Why? It’s being sold as CBD oil. has the recipe for making your own CBD oil using—you got it, olive oil. Leave out the “CBD” label and THC, and there’s as much health benefit as you’d ever want from the olive-oil shelf at your local grocery store.
Add this to your knowledge base: Now you can buy cannabis vodka, the very combination that killed my 44-year-old son. Getting high while you’re drunk is deadly, but not even discouraged much less illegal, as other killer drugs or combinations. Dr. Nicola Black of the University of New South Wales writes, “Doctors and patients need to be aware of the low quality and quantity of evidence for the effectiveness of medical cannabinoids in treating mental disorders and the potential of risk of adverse events.”
In the same report, Dr. Deepak D’Souza of Yale University writes, “With cannabinoids, it seems that the cart (use) is before the horse (evidence). If cannabinoids are to be used in treatment of psychiatric disorders, they should first be tested in randomized, controlled trials and subjected to the same regulatory approval process as other prescription medications.” D’- Souza continues, “Some very-low quality evidence was found for the use of pharmaceutical THC (with or without CBD) in treating anxiety symptoms among individuals with other medical conditions such as chronic non-cancer pain and multiple sclerosis.” For those conditions we have Epidiolex, which is legal and available through your doctor instead of anecdotes, voters or claims by your local hit men.
Originally Published in Lakeview Area News, Lakeview Michigan