My Son Was a Student Victim of the Parkland Shooting. Now, He is Addicted To Federally Legalized THC, Which Causes Psychosis

Posted on December 27, 2023 View all news

I am Emma from Colombia, a divorced single mother of a student victim of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

My son has been in a psychiatric hospital 7 times and in 2 rehabs. One time, we had to use the Marchman Act to mandate treatment because he was a threat to himself and others. He has tried numerous medicines.

I brought him to Columbia for treatment, and after 7 months of sobriety and medication, my son began to restructure his brain and heal after 5 years of addiction to THC, delta-8, and delta-9 marijuana edibles. These products are poisonous and cause my son to have multiple episodes of psychosis.

As a mother, I do not recommend any hospital in the USA because psychiatrists do not know how to reduce THC psychosis, and all they do is overmedicate them to the point that the medicine is worse than the drug itself. I had to fight to get my son out of the USA so that he would no longer be in the hands of the mental health system, which is completely broken. It was very hard, but we finally managed this situation with the help of my son’s father, who lives in Colombia. THC has brought hell to our lives.

I recommend any parent find an environment where they connect with nature, animals, and meditation and be in the hands of therapists who know how to handle the situation with love. My son’s psychiatrist started him on 3 medications; now, he is only on 2 medications and is fully monitored by professionals. Calling the police during my son’s psychosis would only generate more fear.

This is the hardest thing that a parent can experience because of the life-destroying drug, THC.

We have to come together to help raise awareness from elementary school of the danger of this poison that destroys the brains of our families, which is a normal part of American society.

Unfortunately, the worst mistake was that my son recently returned to the United States. He thought after 8 months of sobriety that he was going to get his life back on track, but what he did was return to synthetic marijuana, which took him to the hospital again. I don’t know what else to do. 

Vape stores don’t mind selling his type of Delta THC marijuana in gummies, chocolate bars, and candies to anyone. My son’s life is at stake again.

Emma, Colombian mother

2 responses to “My Son Was a Student Victim of the Parkland Shooting. Now, He is Addicted To Federally Legalized THC, Which Causes Psychosis”

  1. Dear Emma,
    So sorry for your son. This warning was out 9 years ago, and psychiatrists have improved in places like California where the problem is too widespread to ignore. But most of the USA doesn’t understand and children/ parents are not warned. Your story is beautifully written and it goes with this article which is in 2 parts. We need to bring you on as advocate who can demonstrate the story.

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