Marijuana Mental Illness

Ethan Andrew:  An Inside View on What It Feels Like to be Addicted and in Psychosis

As I inhaled the smoke to the sound of gargling bong water, I could feel a snap in my head....

Marijuana Mental Illness

“Yes, Marijuana Does Kill- In More Ways Than You Might Think”

Jere Melo was born in Mount Shasta, CA in 1941.  He graduated from the University of California in Forestry and...

Marijuana Mental Illness

Randy Got His Medical Marijuana Card in Colorado Even Though He Was Under 21. We Want To Spare Others From Losing Someone They Love To This Horrible Drug. 

As a huge proponent of marijuana, Randy got his medical marijuana card in Colorado which allowed him to access weed…

Marijuana Mental Illness

How Does Marijuana Affect Our Brains?

by Crystal Collier, PhD, LPC-S author of The NeuroWhereAbouts Guide and creator of BrainAbouts There is a prevailing opinion in...

Marijuana Mental Illness

Think Ya Know? Does Marijuana Cause Mental Illness?

The THC in cannabis can destroy critical neuronal pathways in the developing brain, which can result in permanent brain changes. The worst...

Marijuana Mental Illness

Think Ya Know? Does Marijuana Cause Mental Illness?

The THC in cannabis can destroy critical neuronal pathways in the developing brain, which can result in permanent brain changes. The worst...

Marijuana Mental Illness

My Son Died From Marijuana Intoxication

My heart stopped that night, 3/27/2019 at 10:45 pm, when I looked down from the Joppa road bridge and saw...

Marijuana Mental Illness

My Son Is A Marijuana Victim

My son is a marijuana victim. Marijuana killed his soul and ruined his brain. His suicide note makes that very...

Marijuana Mental Illness

Long: Do we really want to legalize marijuana?

Dec 10, 2020 I’ve likened the move to legalize marijuana in Virginia to a runaway train — full of momentum...

Marijuana Mental Illness



Is marijuana really safer than alcohol? Today, we tackle this common misconception with the following thought provoking facts. Check out...

Marijuana Mental Illness