“Just Say Know” – Billboard THC Education Fundraiser

Every Brain Matters is teaming up with Johnny’s Ambassadors to bring BIG Education to the Pueblo community about the impacts of BIG Cannabis. These billboards are already displayed in the Denver area and Johnny’s Ambassadors has offered a $500.00 scholarship to get these billboards displayed in Pueblo.

We will display the following 3 billboards, with the Every Brain Matters logo and Johnny’s Ambassadors logo, along Highway 25 in 4 different locations. Please see the proposal below for more details and the exact locations.

Our goal is to raise an additional $6,800.00 to get these billboards up for the full month of October, a total of 4 weeks.

Please fill out this form:


  • $0.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Please note, that there is an installation fee of $500 for each billboard, not included in this proposal. This has already been included in the above amount.