Every Brain Matters is a community of support and advocacy based on science and live experiences. Join us as we find freedom from marijuana and the drug culture expansion. 



Mar-Anon Family Group is a fellowship of those affected by another person’s marijuana use and is independent of Every Brain Matters.  To view, Mar-Anon meetings, go to: mar-anon.com/meetings/


International Mar-Anon Meeting (independent of EBM)

Online Zoom Meeting

Mar-Anon is a fellowship of those affected by another person’s marijuana use.  Its foundation is the Twelve Steps, adapted from Marijuana Anonymous, which can be a powerful, life-changing tool.  We come together to work the steps and offer hope, comfort, and support for other members.  We are not a religious group, instead, we use the steps as a path of self-discovery and personal change. Mar-Anon is independent of the Every Brain Matters Organization. EBM encourages Mar-Anon meetings to promote healing.

LINK TO MEETING     Meeting ID: 805 236 4018  Find your local number

Passcode : 774094

Los Angles, CA USA          10:00 AM

Denver, Co, USA                 11:00 AM

Chicago, Il, USA                  12:00 PM

New York, NY, USA              1:00 PM

London, United Kingdom      6:00 PM

Brussels, Belgium                 7:00 PM

Madrid, Spain                        7:00 PM

Paris, France                         7:00 PM

Sydney Australia                    3:00 AM

Auckland, New Zealand         5:00 AM


