Every Brain Matters is a community of support and advocacy based on science and live experiences. Join us as we find freedom from marijuana and the drug culture expansion. 



Mar-Anon Family Group is a fellowship of those affected by another person’s marijuana use and is independent of Every Brain Matters.  To view, Mar-Anon meetings, go to: mar-anon.com/meetings/


Event Series Every Brain Matters Climbers Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers with Joe Parker

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers

Event Series Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers

Every Brain Matters Monthly Speakers Meeting

Online Zoom Meeting

In this new era of industrialized THC, families need support and hope. Please join us on the first Friday of every month for messages of healing from the impacts of marijuana and the expanding drug crisis.  There will be a Q&A at the end of each meeting. This meeting may be recorded at the presenter’s discretion.

This month, we hear from Michael D’Onfro.

Hi, I’m Michael. I started using marijuana because I thought it was a safe alternative to alcohol. Unfortunately, marijuana became my crutch, and over time, I began to enter into a psychosis. I posted his entire life unfiltered on social media while having visual and audible hallucinations. I thought I was in the Illuminati and that I was running for president of the US. My life spiraled out of control. I’ve been to five detox centers and a psyche ward, and spent three months in an Adult Teen challenge program. Today, I am one year clean from marijuana and 90 days clean from alcohol. Medication is helping to a point, but I am struggling with depression and getting a job. I hope that with medication and God’s help, I can once again be a contributing member of society.

Register for this meeting at this link. Once registered, you will be sent a Zoom link to join the meeting that you can save to your calendar. You will not be required to register again if you have already registered for a previous Speakers Meeting. If you have any questions, please email us at info@everybrainmatters.org.

This meeting is free, but donations are welcome to increase our effort to support and advocate for families impacted by industrialized marijuana. 

Link To Register

Meeting ID: 872 9417 0134
Passcode: ebmsupport

Helping a Loved One with Cannabis-Induced Psychosis (CIP)

In this presentation, Aubree Adams and Amber Moore will educate about cannabis-induced psychosis and provide personal stories, family resources, and practical tools to respond to a teen or loved one with CIP and pathways to recovery.


Objectives: Participants will learn:

The signs and symptoms of cannabis-induced psychosis

How to provide a healthy environment.

Resources to take appropriate steps for support and recovery pathways.

Parenting tools to clearly and kindly respond to any negative or destructive behaviors.


Aubree Adams is the director of Every Brain Matters. She lived at ground zero of the marijuana expansion movement. Still, she found refuge in Houston, Texas, where she and her two sons joined a dynamic, enthusiastic recovery community where she became a host parent for youth in recovery. Aubree states that families and communities are unprepared for this era of industrialized marijuana that targets youth with flavored candies and vapes that provide a rapid and potent chemical assault to the brain. She is passionate about providing families with resources to prevent, manage, or recover from a child or young adult addicted or psychotic from cannabis.

Amber Moore is a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner and assistant director of Every Brain Matters. After experiencing first-hand the harmful mental and physical effects of cannabis, Amber became passionate about sharing scientific-based education with teens and families. She believes everyone has the right to be informed and know the truth about the harmful side effects of marijuana and industrialized THC products.
Amber’s mission is to spread both education and hope to individuals and families affected by marijuana.




Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.


Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers

Event Series Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers

Vaping: Is History Repeating Itself? – Dr. Crystal Collier

In this presentation, Dr. Crystal Collier will discuss capitalistic patterns of public health problems, why nicotine is so addictive,  how vaping marijuana exacerbates the problem, and what parents and clinicians can do if young people start vaping.
Participants will learn the historical patterns that influence public health disasters.
Participants will learn the effect of nicotine and marijuana on the brain.
Participants will learn coping mechanisms and behavior modification techniques to use with youth who vape.

Crystal Collier, PhD, herself a person in long-term recovery, is a therapist and educator whose comprehensive prevention model, which teaches the neurodevelopmental effects of risky behavior to students, school staff, and families, was selected for the Prevention and Education Commendation from the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. Dr. Collier received the Torch Bearer Award from the Texas Association of Addiction Professionals, Outstanding Research Award from the Association of Alternative Peer Groups, and voted Counselor of the Year by the Houston Counseling Association.

The Hope and Healing Center and Institute in Houston, TX, granted Dr. Collier a research fellowship to support the completion of The NeuroWhereAbouts Guide published in 2020. Her FOO Mapping workbook published in 2023, is designed for people who want to map the family-of-origin patterns that no longer serve them.

Since 1991, her clinical work focuses on adolescents and adults suffering from mental illness, behavioral problems and substance use disorders Her area of expertise includes adolescent neurodevelopment, prevention programming, parent coaching, addiction, family-of-origin work, and training new clinicians.

www.drcrystalcollier.com           www.knowyourneuro.org


Event Series Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers

Event Series Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers

Every Brain Matters Speakers Meeting – Pamela

Online Zoom Meeting

In this new era of industrialized THC, families need support and hope. Please join us on the first Friday of every month for messages of healing from the impacts of marijuana and the expanding drug crisis.  There will be a Q&A at the end of each meeting. This meeting may be recorded at the presenter’s discretion.

This month, we feature Pamela.

Pamela will share how THC impacted her son’s health and changed her son into someone she no longer recognized. Learn how she responded to her son’s cannabis use disorder which led to cannabis-induced psychosis that led to unmotived and violent behaviors and extreme paranoia where he thought Nazis were all over Colorado. Pamela says it was a difficult journey, but “There is hope on the other side.”

Register for this meeting at this link. Once registered, you will be sent a Zoom link to join the meeting that you can save to your calendar. You will not be required to register again if you have already registered for a previous Speakers Meeting. If you have any questions, please email us at info@everybrainmatters.org.

This meeting is free, but donations are welcome to increase our effort to support and advocate for families impacted by industrialized marijuana. 

Link To Register

Meeting ID: 872 9417 0134
Passcode: ebmsupport

Event Series Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers

Event Series Climbers Family Support Group

Climbers Family Support Group

A professional counselor leads this weekly online support group for families affected by a loved one’s marijuana use. Participants learn recovery tools that empower them to take the next step while navigating through marijuana addiction, psychosis, hyperemesis, self-harm, or other destructive behaviors. Whether families decide to take small steps or hike the mountain, each step counts and can positively impact their families’ relationships and health.

In the world of recovery, families learn the 3 C’s about the disease of addiction.

We didn’t cause it.

We can’t control it.

And we can’t cure it.

In the Every Brain Matters Climbers meeting, we talk about a 4th C. How do we contribute to it positively or negatively? It’s difficult for families to know what that means, so by discussing these situations, we gain clarity on the best response for our families.

We encourage each family member to work on their own recovery program. We allow cross-talking to share ideas, experiences, strength, and hope. Every family makes their own decisions and heals at their own pace. We respect the feelings and privacy of those attending our meetings.

We ask for a donation to compensate for the professional expertise and time we provide, but this is not a requirement to attend. The suggested donation is $20.00 per person or $35.00 per family. Join us every Wednesday at 7 pm central time zone.



Meeting ID: 827 4437 2483
Passcode: Climbers