Every Brain Matters is a community of support and advocacy based on science and live experiences. Join us as we find freedom from marijuana and the drug culture expansion. 



Mar-Anon Family Group is a fellowship of those affected by another person’s marijuana use and is independent of Every Brain Matters.  To view, Mar-Anon meetings, go to: mar-anon.com/meetings/


Event Series Private: Every Brain Matters Advocacy Group

Every Brain Matters Advocacy Group

Online Zoom Meeting

This group has been created for those who want to advocate against full-scale legalization of marijuana, and for strict regulation and preventative measures in areas where this drug is already legal. The goal of this group is to work together as a team to make action-based short and long-term goals regarding marijuana policies, education, public and political awareness, regulatory practices, and other actions that will help curtail the widespread acceptance, commercialization, and normalization of marijuana.

Link to the meeting

Meeting ID:    821 6890 0764  Password 063732

If you would like to be part of EBM Advocacy group, send us an email at: info@everybrainmatters.org

Every Brain Matters Advocacy Group- Cancelled

Online Zoom Meeting

This meeting is canceled for this month because we are attending the Smart Approaches to Marijuana Summit. We encourage you to attend too! More information at this link.


This group has been created for those who want to advocate against full-scale legalization of marijuana, and for strict regulation and preventative measures in areas where this drug is already legal. The goal of this group is to work together as a team to make action-based short and long-term goals regarding marijuana policies, education, public and political awareness, regulatory practices, and other actions that will help curtail the widespread acceptance, commercialization, and normalization of marijuana.

If you would like to part of EBM Advocacy group, send us an email at: info@everybrainmatters.org


Should I Drug Test My Child?

Should I drug test, My child?

Parents are unprepared for this new era of industrialized THC and the expanding drug culture. In this webinar, Laura Mangum, Resilience Coach, and Author from I Cope 2 Hope, provides families with information about whether to drug test their children or not.

Then, Aburee Adams, Director of Every Brain Matters and former host mom for youth in recovery, gives families a plan of action on what to do if their child has a positive test.

June 29th, 2023, 5:30 pm Central Time

Register Here!


Vaping: Is History Repeating Itself? – Dr. Crystal Collier

In this presentation, Dr. Crystal Collier will discuss capitalistic patterns of public health problems, why nicotine is so addictive,  how vaping marijuana exacerbates the problem, and what parents and clinicians can do if young people start vaping.
Participants will learn the historical patterns that influence public health disasters.
Participants will learn the effect of nicotine and marijuana on the brain.
Participants will learn coping mechanisms and behavior modification techniques to use with youth who vape.

Crystal Collier, PhD, herself a person in long-term recovery, is a therapist and educator whose comprehensive prevention model, which teaches the neurodevelopmental effects of risky behavior to students, school staff, and families, was selected for the Prevention and Education Commendation from the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. Dr. Collier received the Torch Bearer Award from the Texas Association of Addiction Professionals, Outstanding Research Award from the Association of Alternative Peer Groups, and voted Counselor of the Year by the Houston Counseling Association.

The Hope and Healing Center and Institute in Houston, TX, granted Dr. Collier a research fellowship to support the completion of The NeuroWhereAbouts Guide published in 2020. Her FOO Mapping workbook published in 2023, is designed for people who want to map the family-of-origin patterns that no longer serve them.

Since 1991, her clinical work focuses on adolescents and adults suffering from mental illness, behavioral problems and substance use disorders Her area of expertise includes adolescent neurodevelopment, prevention programming, parent coaching, addiction, family-of-origin work, and training new clinicians.

www.drcrystalcollier.com           www.knowyourneuro.org