Impacts on Youth

Doctor’s Orders: We Must Protect Youth From Marijuana

As a primary care physician, I have begun seeing marijuana-injured young people on at least a weekly basis now. The...

Impacts on Youth

Cannabis Shouldn’t Be Legal, It’s Dangerous

I have been with my boyfriend for seven years. When I first met him, he was smoking the actual marijuana...

Impacts on Youth

Colorado AG Weiser Picks Marijuana Over Kids

Just like Big Tobacco did for generations, now Big Marijuana is targeting children. Today’s children have unprecedented access to super-potent cannabis...

Impacts on Youth

I Forgive My Son For Killing My Wife During Marijuana Psychosis

After 38 years, I cannot believe how vindicated I feel after reading the article in the Wall Street Journal, More Teens...

Impacts on Youth

Addicted to THC Vapes and Violent

Before my son started vaping marijuana, he was a good student and athlete. He was well-liked by peers and teachers...

Impacts on Youth

Delta-8-THC Is Destroying Lives

My son was a full-time college student, doing well in school, living with two friends he had known from middle...

Impacts on Youth

“Scream Vomiting” Tied to Marijuana Use

“After about 30 minutes, the EMT came out and told me my son was gone. Brian’s father arrived a short...

Impacts on Youth

Spirituality and Recovery From Cannabis Psychosis

Spirituality and Recovery really go hand in hand with me. I started my journey with a spiritual experience. After drinking...

Impacts on Youth

Out of My Psychosis Mindset

I was introduced to weed when I was in high school. It was a cool thing to do. I tried...

Impacts on Youth

What Does “Every Brain Matters” Mean?

“As marijuana’s use spread, (it was viewed) as different from other drugs. It didn’t merely cause users to hallucinate, like...

Impacts on Youth

My Son Was a Student Victim of the Parkland Shooting. Now, He is Addicted To Federally Legalized THC, Which Causes Psychosis

I am Emma from Colombia, a divorced single mother of a student victim of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas...

Impacts on Youth

My Son Has THC-Psychosis. Pull These Hemp Products From the Shelves

My family is currently in the process of helping our 17-year-old son, who is currently in a mental facility from...

Impacts on Youth