
Vaping flavors, Nicotine, Weed, Then Hallucinations

My 17-year-old son went to a friend’s house almost every day all summer, and we thought the mom was watching...

Is Marijuana REALLY Medicine? No, So Fast….

North Carolina is considering a bill to legalize medical marijuana. Supporters of this expanded legalization tout marijuana as a magic...

Every Brain Matters Monthly Speakers Meeting -recovering from my son’s cannabis psychosis-Linda W.

we respectfully invite you to an online group, Every Brain Matters Support/Recovery Group, a community of supporters who understand and…

Every Brain Matters Monthly Speakers Meeting – Pam Lanhart

we respectfully invite you to an online group, Every Brain Matters Support/Recovery Group, a community of supporters who understand and…

Every Brain Matters Monthly Speakers Meeting – Paul Chabot

we respectfully invite you to an online group, Every Brain Matters Support/Recovery Group, a community of supporters who understand and…

Our Country Is In Crisis

In 2012, I voted to legalize marijuana. I thought it was natural and safe, not realizing that Pandora’s box was...

Marijuana Use Among Young People Hits Alarming All-Time High

“Young people are in a critical life stage and honing their ability to make informed choices. Understanding how substance use...

Every Brain Matters Monthly Speakers Meeting – Ethan D.

we respectfully invite you to an online group, Every Brain Matters Support/Recovery Group, a community of supporters who understand and…

Every Brain Matters Monthly Speakers Meeting- Darryl Rodgers

we respectfully invite you to an online group, Every Brain Matters Support/Recovery Group, a community of supporters who understand and…

Every Brain Matters Monthly Speakers Meeting -Dominic M.

we respectfully invite you to an online group, Every Brain Matters Support/Recovery Group, a community of supporters who understand and…

What Legal Marijuana REALLY Costs

What REALLY happens in states where marijuana is legal? The experiment has gone on long enough that now we have...

High Potency Marijuana Affects All brains, From Prenatal To Seniors

My 68-year-old husband of 32 years and father to our three wonderful children, went into a Cannabis psychosis experiencing delusions...