cannabis induced psychosis

Marijuana Took Our Son From Us

Jacob left home after graduating high school and returned to live with us for the last six years of his...

cannabis induced psychosis

Therapists Don’t Know About Cannabis Psychosis, The New Epidemic

I have studied and worked in Psychology for almost 50 years. I have been a licensed MFT, Marriage Family Therapist,...

cannabis induced psychosis

Mental Health Awareness: Focusing on Marijuana

“The higher the use, the greater the risk. In other words, marijuana in the United States has become increasingly dangerous...

cannabis induced psychosis

Delta-8 Took Our Son’s Opportunities, Plans, and Future

Before using Delta-8, my son was athletic and excelled in academics. He attended a private school except for 4th –...

cannabis induced psychosis

My Daughter is Disabled Due to the Damage Delta-8-THC Caused Her

My daughter was a well-adjusted honor student who was college-bound. In 2020, my daughter graduated high school, and that’s when...

cannabis induced psychosis

It’s A Rough Road for Those Who Start Smoking Cannabis.

My son and granddaughter were fun-loving, very intelligent people before they started smoking cannabis. They began to not care about...

cannabis induced psychosis

BAN Delta-8, the fact that it induces psychosis, is more than enough.

My son graduated near the top of his large high school class; he excelled in many things, especially the sciences....

cannabis induced psychosis

Delta-8 Took My Son’s Freedom

My son was an adventurous, free spirit with a promising future. He loved to explore new places and was happiest...

cannabis induced psychosis

Marijuana, Not A Safe Alternative To Alcohol

I started using marijuana because I thought it was a safe alternative to alcohol. I had been prone to depression...

cannabis induced psychosis

Cannabis Shouldn’t Be Legal, It’s Dangerous

I have been with my boyfriend for seven years. When I first met him, he was smoking the actual marijuana...

cannabis induced psychosis

I Forgive My Son For Killing My Wife During Marijuana Psychosis

After 38 years, I cannot believe how vindicated I feel after reading the article in the Wall Street Journal, More Teens...

cannabis induced psychosis

Delta-8-THC Is Destroying Lives

My son was a full-time college student, doing well in school, living with two friends he had known from middle...

cannabis induced psychosis