Every Brain Matters is a community of support and advocacy based on science and live experiences. Join us as we find freedom from marijuana and the drug culture expansion.
Mar-Anon Family Group is a fellowship of those affected by another person’s marijuana use and is independent of Every Brain Matters. To view, Mar-Anon meetings, go to: mar-anon.com/meetings/
Regan Steinert is 21 years old and has been in recovery from substance use disorder since March, 2018. She attended The Pathway Program in Tempe, AZ for 10 months, spending her first 45 days in Step 2 (residential treatment), 8 additional weeks in IOP and 6 months in Aftercare. She moved back home to Magnolia, TX in January, 2019 and attends AA meetings regularly. She earned her GED in June, 2019, and graduated MOGO Salon Academy as an eyelash technician in 2020. She is a Certified Recovery Coach at Cornerstone of Houston, working with teens who are struggling with SUD and other mental health issues. She is a student at Lone Star College studying to become a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor. Her desire is to connect with kids/adolescents through her personal struggles with substance abuse and recovery to offer them hope and understanding, and to inspire them to live a beautiful life free from drugs and alcohol.
Janelle Martin is a married mother of two children, living in Magnolia, TX. Her youngest child, Regan, started using drugs at age 16 and entered a treatment program at The Pathway Program in Tempe, AZ at age 17. Subsequently, Janelle found herself also in recovery in order to better understand and help her daughter. Her recovery consisted of weekly phone meetings with a Pathway counselor, weekly parent meetings, working a 12-step program, and reading a multitude of books on addiction and recovery. She facilitates weekly PAL (Parents of Addicted Loved Ones) meetings at Cypress Therapy and Counseling in Cypress, TX. She works as an Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor and an IASIS Certified Provider with The Mind Connection, LLC in Cypress, TX, providing addiction counseling and IASIS MicroCurrent Neurofeedback. MicroCurrent Neurofeedback is a natural, chemical-free and painless way to help the brain heal from many conditions: addiction, anxiety, depression, PTSD, chronic pain, ADD/ADHD, insomnia, migraines, concussions/TBI, autism and many more. Helping parents and families recover from the devastating effects of substance use disorder is something Janelle feels compelled to do, because she views her own family’s recovery as an incredible gift.
Together, we share our experiences of trauma, substance use, denial, brokenness, fear, and also our healing journey in the hope that we can offer hope to the hopeless, and education for those who misunderstand addiction and who it affects.
Meeting ID: 872 9417 0134
Passcode: ebmsupport
Every Brain Matters Recovery Community is built on a foundation of love, willingness, and HONESTY. We seek to create a culture of healing.
Join us on the first Friday of every month for messages of hope and healing from the impacts of marijuana. We welcome a different speaker every month who will share their experience and provide pathways to find serenity as we navigate through today’s pro-marijuana/drug culture. Whether you’re grieving the loss of a loved one or trying to recover yourself, this meeting is for you. You will be a Q & A at the end of each meeting. This meeting is appropriate for all family members ages 16 and up.
The expansion of marijuana is negatively affecting people in many ways: addiction, psychosis, suicide, homicide, DUI’s, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, and other incidents of injury or trauma resulting in harm or death, overdoses, and where marijuana was a gateway, companion, and/or relapse drug.
This meeting may be recorded with the presenters’ and the participants’ permission.