My son was a full-time college student, doing well in school, living with two friends he had known from middle...
Spirituality and Recovery really go hand in hand with me. I started my journey with a spiritual experience. After drinking...
I was introduced to weed when I was in high school. It was a cool thing to do. I tried...
A friend involved with Every Brain Matters asked me if I’d consider writing a paragraph or two on my experience with a...
I am Emma from Colombia, a divorced single mother of a student victim of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas...
My family is currently in the process of helping our 17-year-old son, who is currently in a mental facility from...
Our daughter was diagnosed with ADHD in early elementary school but continued to work at grade level and seemed to...
My name is Tom. I am an Ohio resident. I was born in 1957 and am 65 years old. I...
I am a 19-year-old female in college from Western Kentucky. I have some family history of mental illness and trauma...
I will soon be 71. I have bone-on-bone arthritis in my knees and trouble sleeping. I was taking CBD under...
My son’s father and I divorced when my son was about two years old, and unfortunately, we had a lot...
Before using THC, my son had no medical or mental health issues. He was an honors student, athlete, and community...