Every Brain Matters is a community of support and advocacy based on science and live experiences. Join us as we find freedom from marijuana and the drug culture expansion.
Mar-Anon Family Group is a fellowship of those affected by another person’s marijuana use and is independent of Every Brain Matters. To view, Mar-Anon meetings, go to: mar-anon.com/meetings/
In this new era of industrialized THC, families need support and hope. Please join us on the first Friday of every month for messages of healing from the impacts of marijuana and the drug culture expansion. There will be a Q & A at the end of each meeting. This meeting may be recorded at the presenter’s discretion.
This month, we feature Finn P.
I’m a 23-year-old recovering marijuana addict with a former smoking career that lasted from the ages of 14 to 22. I began to smoke more heavily when I left home for college, but my marijuana use turned into an uncontrolled spiral during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was during this time that I found a complete inability to pass up the next joint—a powerlessness over weed that permeated every facet of my life. Debilitating anxiety, agoraphobia, and bouts of paranoid psychosis became my everyday reality while jobs, relationships, and my prospects in school crumbled around me. I felt like nothing and nobody with no hope for a way out.
After two years of living with what I would consider late-stage addiction and particularly after becoming suicidal—when I had nowhere to turn, and nobody left to blame—I decided to surrender myself to recovery. To my surprise, it’s here that I found people just like me, with the only difference being that they were happy, and I wasn’t. I begged them for help, and they offered it without hesitation. Now, after a year and a half of dedicated work with a few relapses along the way, I’ve made it to my first-ever six-month sobriety milestone. I’m talking with my parents again. I’ve held a job for over a year (with a new one lined up soon), I have a healthy relationship with a woman whom I love and adore, and I’ve re-enrolled in college classes starting this winter. I have a life I’ve always wanted, and I navigate its difficulties knowing that I don’t have to smoke over them.
I struggle with feeling shame or regret about my past, but truthfully, I’m happy that I made it through all of that to be where I am now. I’m proud of the life I’ve been gifted; I’m proud of the personal growth I’ve made in a short time, and—even though I never thought I’d say this—I’m proud to be a marijuana addict.
Please join me as I tell my story on Friday, January 5th.
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